Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Legal Authority

Name: Joaquin Lares
Class BUS250H Contracts, Negotiations and Copyrights
Lawyer’s Name: Michael Rounds

After trying to make contact with several attorneys via phone calls and the yellow pages, I was finally able to make contact Michael Rounds after stumbling across his firm’s website while doing a search on the internet for Intellectual Property Attorneys. He was the first person to give me any time of day but was only able to conduct an interview right there on the spot over the phone and if we kept the conversation under 15 minutes or so. Needless to say, the pressure was on but I was able persevere.
Rounds is a founding partner of the firm ‘WATSONROUNDS’ and a respected trial attorney whose practice is limited to intellectual property litigation and counseling. He is licensed to practice in the States of California and Nevada, all federal courts in those jurisdictions, and the Ninth and Federal Circuit Court of Appeals. Rounds worked for five years for the renowned San Francisco law firm of Townsend and Townsend and Crew. Rounds has a penchant for meticulous preparation and believes the best way to build a reputation is down at the courthouse.  He has achieved numerous favorable verdicts for clients in patent infringement and other cases, including an $11.4 million patent infringement verdict in Las Vegas, Nevada, affirmed by the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals in 2010.

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